Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Congo water source

This is the way we get water in Lubumbashi. Someone hauls it. This week Malumba had the job of hauling 9 of these plus filling up a large plastic barrel. Two boys share the job for 2 weeks then Toto appoints another 2. How far do they carry it? About 1/4 of a city block. In the past many a fight was fought to get the job finished, now (thanks to the Lord's transformational abilities) the job just gets done.


Kari Sanchez said...

What amazing boys those are. They endure so much that we will never experience and now they are doing it with joy in their hearts all because of the ministry surrounding them.

J said...

Hooray for transformation!

Anthans said...

What an inspiring story. With hard work anything can be achieved.